RKCP's company had a Giants outing two weeks ago. We loaded up SC* and headed to San Francisco.
In the parking lot, we got to experience a "tailgate party". There were no cars or tailgates involved, but lots of good catered food and drink.
For the game, we were seated in the bleachers, behind right field, near the giant mitt. We watched the game for a while; Barry Bonds got homer number 721. Then the kids wanted to go and experience the neat kid friendly stuff. The picture shows EJP running the bases after getting a hit at the kids' diamond. SKGP also belted one. We went down the slides.
On our way out, they let kids run the actual bases. What a neat idea! As we stood in line, I wanted to touch the grass to experience a professional field, so I did. Boy, did I get yelled at -- they don't kid around about the grass. The kids rounded the bases, and we drove home.
The game didn't end well for the Giants, but we had fun.
*SC = Suck Chin, the car.

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