
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pierced Ears

Last night was the first (annual?) Las Animas Parent Club Auction.  The event was at the Eagle Ridge Clubhouse, and featured both a silent and a live auction. I won a bunch of stuff.  We left the kids with my parents, and went to the event with several neighbors and friends. I think a good time was had by all.

This morning, we went and picked up the kids, and went to a make up gymnastics practice for SKGP.  After that, we had lunch at Black Bear Diner.

Then we took S to the outlet mall and got her ears pierced.  She was very brave and professional about it all. You can watch the video of the event. For the healing period, she has cute faux diamond studs.

After that, we went to the hospital to check on Mom, who was having trouble getting enough air.  She had some tests done, and she is doing fine and is probably home right now.  The best guess is something cardiac, so next week, she will be getting some more checks.

Now, S and I are going to the Girlscouts' Annual Father - Daughter Dance.