Sunday, May 29, 2005
Sunday, May 15, 2005
A Walk In The Woods
This afternoon, I went for a hike in the open space behind our house.
After crossing a grasssy plain, I came to a small creek. There are many deer trails around, so I followed one across the creek. On the other side, the ground begins sloping up and it is fairly densly packed with trees and bushes. As I wound my way up the steep hill, I kept expecting a mountain lion to eat me. Luckily that didn't happen.
After a long climb, it became tough to go up, so I turned back towards home. I had to scramble through much brush and do some backtracking, but eventually I made it back to the creek.
At the creek area, I found some nifty red boulders and rocks, one of which I grabbed as a souvenier.
I followed the creek down towards home. At one pool, I was overwhelmed with the desire to make a dam. It was strange, but compelling. I dropped in a couple rocks and sticks, which didn't change much, but satisfied my male instinct.
Behind one of the houses under contrustion, a long snake basked in the sun.
Rather than go home right away, I turned south, across the bridge to the next part of the development. After about a half mile of road base, where two motorcyclists were speeding along, I was once again in the wild. I crossed a rotting wood bridge and walked by an aging corral.
As I returned home, a large turkey was sitting on the top of the corral. Before I could get a camera phone pict, he had hopped down and headed into the hills. I reached home without further adventure.
I'm really looking forward to doing hiking in these hills. I think I'll be more comfortable if I have a friend along; my inexperice at trail blazing makes me nervous. I also plan on finding my GPS and hooking it up to some topo software I've got, so I can see where I've been.